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Freelance Opportunities - IT Company Seeks Talent

المحرق‎، محافظة المحرق
منذ 3 أسابيع
مستوى الخبرةمبتدئ
المستوى التعليميثانوية عامة
نوع العملعمل حُر
Freelance Opportunities - IT Company Seeks Talent We are an IT company currently seeking experienced professionals for the following roles: Outdoor Sales Computer Hardware and Software Support Networking Specialists CCTV Installation and Maintenance If you have expertise in any of these areas and are interested in freelance opportunities, please send your CV via PM. We look forward to reviewing your application and exploring potential collaboration. Calls = Not allow Send your CV in PM Location = Muharraq
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رقم الإعلان 105191504
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  • تفقّد المنتج جيداً قبل شرائه
  • لا تدفع أو تحول المال مسبقاً وتاكد من الغرض
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