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Gem Stone Jewelry for Women

المحرق‎، محافظة المحرق
منذ 3 أيام
نوع السعرقابل للنقاش
A bundle of Gemstone jewelry for Women. Colorful and bright and high quality. May be sold in bundles or seperately. Contact us for prices. Prices Start from 26 1. SOLD 2. Quartz and pear bracelet 3. Agate Carnelian Peridot Pearl Bracelet 4. Tormaline and Pear Bracelet 5. Coral and Lazurd (Lapis Lazuli) Necklace with Jasber and Himatite 6. Amethyst Aventurine and Lazurd Necklace 7. Aventurine and Silver Necklace 8. Seashell Lecklace 9. Lazurd and Yellow Agate Necklace 10. Quartz Dolphine Bracelet 11. Amethyst Bracelets 12. Amber and Oxidized Silver Bracelet 13. Raw Tormaline Nechlace and Studs
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رقم الإعلان 105324090
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