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Graphic Designer & Office Work

الرفاع‎، المحافظة الجنوبية
منذ 2 أسابيع
نوع المعلنباحث عن عمل
مستوى الخبرةإدارة
المستوى التعليميدبلوم
نوع العملدوام كامل
Dear Sir/Madam, I’m a graphic designer & and light photographer from Bahrain. I have 15 years of experience in the same field. I worked in media for more than 10 years, 2/3 in photo studio & laboratory and 3 years in hotel industry as a designer & photographer where I was working. I consider myself a creative, proactive person who enjoys teamwork and who is willing to face new challenges. Hit me up, and i’ll be helping with your designs. Please have a look at my CV & and scan for the portfolio. Thanks a lot Best Regards, Haroon Rasheed email: [redacted email address] WhatsApp Only: (عرض رقم الهاتف)
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رقم الإعلان 105355740
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  • لا تذهب بمفردك اصطحب احد ليرافقك
  • تفقّد المنتج جيداً قبل شرائه
  • لا تدفع أو تحول المال مسبقاً وتاكد من الغرض
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