This is the Wacaco Nanopresso with the NS Adapter
It’s a compact and portable espresso maker, perfect for anyone who loves their coffee fresh, even when traveling
Works with both ground coffee and Nespresso capsules, so you can enjoy your favorite brew anywhere
Super easy to use and doesn’t need electricity, making it great for road trips, camping, or even at work
Brand new in box and never used. Perfect for coffee lovers in Bahrain
جهاز Wacaco Nanopresso مع NS Adapter
محمول وسهل الاستخدام، يعمل بدون كهرباء
يدعم القهوة المطحونة وكبسولات نسبريسو
مثالي للسفر، الكشتات، والعمل
جديد وبعلبته الأصلية