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The Beginner's Photography Guide

المنامة، محافظة العاصمة
منذ 5 أيام
النوعماركة أخرى
Helping you get the most from your digital camera If you're new to photography, then The Beginner's Photography Guide is perfect for you. Assuming no prior knowledge, this book simply explains all the key digital camera function and settings then shows you how to use them to create outstanding images. Step-by-step photographs break down digital camera techniques such as focusing on a moving object and creating background blur by telling you exactly what you need to do to get the most out of your camera. Icon panels provide an at-a-glance overview of equipment and settings required with straightforward captions to guide you. With The Beginner's Photography Guide in hand, you'll be confident enough to break your digital camera out of its box and start snapping.
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