For more information, You can see the working of our flow meter on YouTube: Flowmeter
Battery / Mains Operated – HAND HELD TYPE
Mounting : Wall/Hand hold
Sensor : S, M & L Type
Sensor suitable for Pipe: S Type DN15mm to DN100mm - Will provide
M Type DN50mm to DN700mm - Will provide
L Type DN300mm to DN6000mm - (Optional )
Clamp : Provided adjustable for pipe size,
Data Recorder : Available with Flowmeter
Display : LCD with backlight, display accumulated flow/
Instantaneous flow / velocity, time etc.
Transducer : Water - Immersible, water depth less than 1m
Resolution : 0.0001 m3/hr up to 9.9999 m3/hr, 0.001 m3/hr up to
99.999, and 0.01 m3/hr above 99.999 m3/hr
Velocity range : ≥0.1 to 10 m/s
Sensor Protection : IP68 as per IS13947
Accuracy : +/-1%, Linearity: 0.5%, Repeatability: 0.2%
Technology : Ultrasonic Transit time flow
Functions : Automatically record the totalizer data with recording facility
Make : BIMCO - Bombay Instrument
Qty : 01 Set.
Complete Set in One Suitcase
Other details as Per Attached file.
Flowmeter have complete set as follows.
No. Description Quantity
1 Main Engine/Meter 1
2 Single Transmission Lines (5mx2)
3 S,M- type Sensor 1
4 Charger 1
5 Clam Fixture 2
6 5 M Tape 1
7 Ultrasonic Flow Meter Coupling Agent (Sensing Gel) 1
8 Key NA
9 User’s Manual 1
10 Quality Certificate 1
11 Packing List 1
Certificate : We will provide Test & Guarantee Certificate and Our own calibration report with copy of master/reference flowmeter Calibration certificate Traceable to NABL Accredited Lab.
1. Full Bore Flow should be ensured
2. Straight distance to be maintained in the pipe line shall be Upstream: 10 D and Down Stream shall be: 5 D
3. Works for clean liquids only