1) 2×1.6m strong steel frame bed with mattress medicated good density-35BHD
2) 3 Nos Bahrain gas cylinder (including stove, regulator) 1 filled, 1 half and other empty-60BHD
3) Double door fridge-40BHD
4) Washing machine samsung antitrust body, automatic-40BHD
5) Microwave oven used once-10 BHD
6) Samsung Smart TV LED 40"-50BHD
7) kitchen table marine plywood-10 BHD
8) Industrial pedestrial fan 8000cfm-15BHD
9) Airtel HD receiver-10 BHD
10) Dumbbells with bar 80 plus kg-50BHD
11) Strong small wooden table with door-5BHD
12) 750W mixer butterfly-15BHD
13) Window AC pearl piston compressor 1.5 ton-40BHD
There are small household items which shall be given free of cost for the needy family.
All items are in best condition and shall be quickly sold out-plz contact via whattsapp/call(View phone number)